Sunday, September 27, 2009

Looking towards home....

Realizing it's been quite a few weeks since my last post, I figured it was time to update you all. The last several weeks have been more of the same fun....a weekend in Melbourne, days at the beach, and the beginning of the end of my time here. Last weekend, we said goodbye to two of our new friends here as they boarded planes - one to New York via New Zealand, and another to New York via everywhere in Australia you could ever want to go. Three days later, we sent another back to the Netherlands via Cairns, and on Wednesday of this week, we will send our Canadian home as well. And so, the 6 short timers will be down to two - myself and my roommate, Karalee.

While the prospect of staying here forever is a tempting one, I have gradually become more excited about coming home. The time here has been amazing and I've had the absolute time of my life. But as I reflected a bit, the conclusion I have come to as to why I've been looking towards home so much is there is this sense that life is on hold right now. I'm sort of in this weird yet incredible spot where I am having the best time, yet life is not really progressing at all. So, in that regard, all of you who have been fearing that I wouldn't be looking to come home, breathe a sigh of relief.

However, enough with the introspection......what's been going on....

As I mentioned, two weekends ago, 3 American friends and I jetted off to Melbourne for the weekend. Melbourne is a really lovely city that has a much more European feel to it. The arts seemed to be a more regular part of the culture there, and there was certainly a slower pace to things.

I've also spent the last two weekends at the beach in one fashion or another. The beaches of choice are Bondi and Manly - both two of the world's most renowned for surfing and both with friends living there. I love having the beach as an option for the weekend festivities. I'm gonna have to find a way to reconcile that to Midwest living....somehow.....

And probably the most exciting thing that has happened in the last few weeks is that I have planned and booked my holiday for the end of October. I will be leaving Sydney on October 17 and heading north to Cairns and Port Douglas, home to the Great Barrier Reef. I will be spending a week up there soaking up the rays, finding Nemo, and hopefully cuddling some koalas. I then head back south to Melbourne where I will be renting a car and roadtripping along the Great Ocean Road ( I then fly back to Sydney for two final nights here with friends and head off to Africa for two weeks.

I only have 3 more weeks of work left until the relaxation begins. I'm so looking forward to the break and am sure that the next 7 weeks before I actually step back on US soil will be full of more incredible experiences and great stories. Forgive the rather melancholy tone this evening. I guess in the end, I've been putting off this post as I knew it would have to discuss the beginning of the end. I guess all good things come to an end....and this has definitely been a very good thing.

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