Thursday, June 11, 2009

28 Days....

The count is now down to less than 30 days. I've made significant progress in my preparations:

House/pet sitter…..Check
Flight to Australia….Check
Flight home from South Africa…..Check
Books to read on the plane…..Check
No Jet Lag herbal supplements (we'll give it whirl - they come highly recommended)…..Check
Plans for last evening in the States…..Check

A couple of these items are worth expanding on.

Books. I'm not much of a reader typically. I got away from this in grad school when I was reading a lot of text books and case studies all the time. The last thing I wanted to do was to read something else. However, I have found as I travel with Uncle Price, I do a lot of great reading on airplanes. The girl who was never a very fast reader can finish off a book in the time it takes to get from Cincinnati to Dallas. So, I'm really looking forward to the opportunity this trip is going to provide me to do some personal reading. I purchased a couple books today by authors I really enjoy - Rob Bell and Bill Bryson. One is likely to elicit much thinking and reflection on my part and the other promises to make me laugh and help me come to understand the land I am about to travel to.

Last evening in the States. There may not be much more American than rock and roll. And while we no longer have the likes of Elvis Presley among us anymore, we do have some very significant rock and roll legends still doing their thing and entertaining us. So, in order to make sure that my blood is filled with the appropriate amount of American-ism before I leave, I am going to see some of these legends in concert - John Mellencamp (whom I affectionately refer to as "The Coug"), Willie Nelson and Bob Dylan. I can't think of a better way to spend my last night here than enjoying great live music with great company. I am sure to report back on this concert. Although, at that point, I might be on the other side of the world.

Until there is more to tell you....Cheers!

Saturday, June 6, 2009

33 Days.....

Well, folks, I guess it's official. I'm really going to Australia. I now possess an airline ticket which leaves CVG at 8pm on July 9th. I will connect at LAX and arrive in SYD on July 11th at 7:10am. (For those followers of Kenny Tarmac, these initials might make you giggle. For those who don't travel much, I leave Cincinnati, connect in Los Angeles and arrive in Sydney.) So, at this point, I have 33 days to get the world in order. Still working through a few logistics, but it looks like all will fall into place.

Uncle Price is giving me a furnished apartment in the heart of Sydney. 2 bedrooms and 2 bathrooms. I will also have a roommate - Karalee is from the Chicago office of PwC and will be in Sydney with the same exchange program. This fact has relieved a decent amount of anxiety from this process. It's comforting knowing that there will be someone there to notice if I don't make it home and to be experiencing the same things alongside me.

Someone asked me last night what I am most excited about related to this trip. This was a good question, one I had not really considered yet. I have thought a lot about what I am anxious about, but had not begun to put words to what excites me about the opportunity. I think I am most excited about being out of the country again. Each time I have been out of the country, I have experienced a feeling of great empowerment and freedom. For some reason, when I am out of the country, I feel more like myself than any other time. It's hard to explain, but I hope this makes sense. Therefore, what I am most excited about is the opportunity to be in this place again - this time for longer than I have ever been before.

Monday, June 1, 2009

39 Days and Counting!

Welcome to my blog! I hope you will choose to follow me as I travel around the world in 120 days. This adventure is made possible by Uncle Price - my endearing term for my employer. He has given me the "opportunity" to perform my mad auditing skills in Sydney, Australia. While in the world of public accounting, the word "opportunity" generally has a less than desirable connotation, this is Uncle Price's way to prove us all wrong.

I will be in Sydney for 3 months. For all you math gurus (and fellow auditors), I realize that 3 months is approximately 90 days - not 120. However, at the end of my work assignment, I will spend 2 weeks travelling to destinations yet to be determined (suggestions welcome) and then meeting some of my dearest friends in Cape Town, South Africa for 2 weeks of loving people and experiencing this world.

So, at this point, I'm less than 40 days from departure. Today, my visa was approved, which means I can now officially move forward with my travel plans. Additionally, I got some hopeful news from some great friends with regards to who will be taking care of my life here in the states (e.g. my dog, 2 cats, house, and 1/2 acre yard) while I'm gallivanting. Let's all keep our fingers crossed that the offer on their house turns into a closing - for their sake and mine!

Until there is more to tell you about.....cheers.